On this page we list the required reading material for the Summer School:

Please - BE PREPARED !

The  NOT telescope is described on the NOT home pages.

For example, the Telescope Control System (How to run the telescope).  Manual.

Also read the material on ALFOSC and on NOTCAM (Manual)

(This is compulsory - You have to understand how to use the instruments!)

We will mainly use IRAF for the reductions. If you are not familiar with IRAF, please read the documentation.

There are also Tutorials that are very useful to do.

Iraf reduction cookbook

You have to be able to prepare - execute and reduce the observations. In the project on supernova
there are many www-links to useful pages on how to do this. Read this and pick the parts useful for Your project.

A good introduction to IR photometry is:
I.S. Glass: "Handbook of Infrared Astronomy",  Chapters 2, 3, 5 and 6,
(But this is not compulsory)

Johan Fynbo suggests for his project:

General IRAF :

Long slit spectra in IRAF:
A User's Guide to Reducing Slit Spectra with IRAF,

Reading material for the projects:

On Project 1:
A Filippenko, 1997, ARA&A, 35, 309

On LEGOs  = Project 2.
Fynbo J.P.U., Møller P., Thomsen B., et al., A&A, 388, 425-438 (2002)
Fynbo et al. 2003, astro-ph/0305282