Comet Hale-Bopp

Below is a raw R-band image of Comet Hale-Bopp that was the spectacular comet of 1997. We obtained this image at the 2.56 m Nordic Optical Telsecope, with Simo Aro at the observer's terminal, assisted by Colin Aspin.

Simo Aro studied the time evolution of Hale-Bopp, and this particular image was obtained on June 11/12 1996. The exposure time was 150 seconds, the zenith distance was about 50 degrees and the detector was a thinned Loral 2Kx2K CCD. The coloured column that emerges almost from the center of the comet and continues upwards is an artifact of the instrument, and is not physically connected to Hale-Bopp.

 * Comet Hale-Bopp homepage at JPL.

 * The first comet discovered by a Swede: Comet Lagerkvist

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Last modified Aug 31 1998.,