Fractal gallery

3D Cloud

Fractional Brownian motion

In my master thesis, I implemented the fractal model fractional Brownian motion (fBm) to model interstellar clouds. One can generate fBm in an arbitrary number of dimensions, the background image of this page is an example of a 2+1 dimensional fBm, i.e. two spatial and one intensity dimension. Its spatial boundaries are periodic due to the algorithm I used to generate the image (called FFT filtering).

To display 3+1 dimensional fBm I made a gif animation, which can be seen if you click on the left black and white icon. The animation is composed of 128 crossections and is 587kB in all. Because of the periodic property of fBm, this animation is also periodic in time.

The Mandelbrot set

The Mandelbrot set

Using fractals as models of interstellar clouds, I got interested in fractals themself. Using an extremely simple program, I calculated the Mandelbrot set for the quadratic family and coloured the pixels as a function of their escape time under iteration.

The boundary of this Mandelbrot set has recently been proven to be fractal.

Zooming in Mandelbrot

Zooming in Mandelbrot

The fractal property of the boundary of the Mandelbrot set means that there are structures on every scale. Zooming in the boundary one finds several funny looking things, structures that have been named monsters, elephant trunks, or whatever. One prominent detail that is reappering again and again as one is looking deeper and deeper into the Mandelbrot set, is an almost identical copy of the Mandelbrot set itself.

Spiders in Mandelbrot

Spiders in Mandelbrot

This substructure of the Mandelbrot set is often refered to as a spider. Looking deeper into a spider, one will find smaller spiders, that in turn contain even smaller spiders and so on, ad infinitum.